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Introduction to Marxism College

Marxism College, formerly known as “Teaching and Research Group of Politics” being founded in the year of 1954, has successively experienced the stage of “Marxism-Leninism Teaching and Research Group”, “Office of Marxism-Leninism Teaching and Research & Moral Education and Research”,“Department of Marxism-Leninism Teaching and Research & Moral Education and Research”, “Teaching and Research Department of Ideological and Political Theory”and etc. The college began to accept undergraduate students majoring in Ideological and Political Education in 1992, and admitted undergraduate students in the field of Social Work afterwards. The college started to accept postgraduate students in 2000, received the first level Master's degree in Marxist Theory in 2006, and got the first level Master's degree in Philosophy in 2010. The departments of Social Science, the department of Social Work, and the department of Economic, Politics and Law were successively established in the college. The college was renamed successively as the College of Economic, Politics and Law, the College of Politics and Social Work and the College of Political Science. The name of “Marxism College”was officially hung out in 2015. Marxism College undertakes teaching and research tasks of ideological and political theory courses for all undergraduates and postgraduates in Chongqing Normal University (hereinafter referred to as CNU in short), and also take the task of cultivating undergraduates majoring in Ideological and Political Education and postgraduates majoring in Marxist Theory and Philosophy.

For cultivating skilled and compound talents with thick foundation and high quality, Marxism College follows the concept of “education respected and students oriented”, spends large amount of effort on teaching and discipline construction of undergraduate and postgraduate education.

Up to February 2019, there are totally 66 faculty members, 31 part-time teachers, 747 undergraduate students and 142 postgraduate students in Marxism College. Among the teaching staff, there are 33 teachers with PhD degrees and 22 teachers with master degrees, 21 professors (including 9 adjunct professors) and 25 associate professors, 3 doctoral tutors, 1 postdoctoral tutor,14 experts receiving special government allowance from the State Council, and 2 leaders in the specific academic fields honored by Chongqing Government, 1 talent in the first group of “A Group of Five” of Chongqing, 4 Members whose names being listed in the social science expert pool of Chongqing, and 4 young backbone teachers of Chongqing.

Marxism College has relatively complete education level. The college offers the following programs: one undergraduate program in Ideological and Political Education, two postgraduate programs respectively in Marxism Theory which and Philosophy, both of which are authorized first level master discipline,  one part-time discipline teaching postgraduate program in  Ideological and Political Education, one postdoctoral program in Marxism Theory.

Marxism College has high quality research platforms, including one key constructive discipline (Marxism Theory) in the 13th five-year Plan of Chongqing, Research Center of Citizens’Morality and Social Construction which is one of the  humanities and social sciences research bases of Chongqing, Assessment Center for Creating Civilization of Chongqing, the Chongqing Training Base of Ideological and Political Theory Course Teachers and Chongqing Training Base of Micro-enterprises.

   The reform of education and teaching has been continually promoted and deepened these years. The college has teams being respectively awarded as Teaching and Research Demonstration Team for Ideological and Political Theory Courses from Ministry of Education and as Research Demonstration Team for Ideological and Political Theory Courses of Chongqing. The project “the In Need Construction and Practice of Ideological Political Work Assessment System for Undergraduate Students”was awarded the second prize of National Teaching Achievement in 2014; The project “3 Dimensions 5 Steps 5 Classrooms”was selected by the Ministry of Education as a good working case in the construction of Ideological and Political Theory Courses and was listed in “the Promotional Plan of Renovation Project for Ideological and Political Courses Teaching Method”; The course“History of European philosophy”was chosen as“A Excellent Class”of key textbook for Marxism Theory Project Research and Construction in the Ministry of Education. “Fanglin Tian’s Studio”was named as “Famous Teacher’s Studio”of ideological and political theory courses in Chongqing; The course group of Marxist Philosophy was selected into Municipal Teaching Teams in Chongqing; The course “Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism” was included in the micro-lectures of ideological and political theory courses in Chongqing; The courses including“Basic Principles of Marxism”, “Introduction to the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, “Outline of China’s Modern and Contemporary History”were marked as “Excellent Courses”in CNU; The course“Introduction to Law”was valued as “Bilingual Model Course”in CNU. The specialty of the college has been featured in a deeper level. The undergraduate program of Ideological and Political Education, which is Characteristic Specialty in CNU, ranked first among 6 similar undergraduate programs in the evaluation of professional competitiveness of universities in Chongqing in 2011, and ranked first among liberal arts programs in the professional evaluation of undergraduate courses of CNU in 2013.

The faculty of Marxism College is famous for professional ability and virtue. In recent years great achievements have been made by faculty members, among whom are, one awarded by the Ministry of Education as “the Teaching Pacesetter”of the ideological and political theory courses, one chosen by the Ministry of Education as “Contemporary Micro-lecturer”, six awarded the “A Excellent Class” of the Ministry of Education and Chongqing, five entering into merit-based funding plan for ideological and political theory courses and counselors in Chongqing, one winning the first prize in competition of Marxism Theory Quality Courses for Young Teachers in Chongqing, one winning the second prize in teaching competition for university young teachers in Chongqing, one getting the first prize, two getting the second prize and one getting the third prize in teaching ability competition for ideological and political theory course teachers in Chongqing, one micro-lecturer of ideological and political courses in Chongqing, one university counselor of the year in Chongqing, one excellent counselor and one excellent cadre of the Communist Youth League, seven valued as “the Teachers’Virtue Pacesetters”in CNU, four being the perspective teachers of teaching master in CNU, 29 honored as the“Graduates’Favorite Teacher”, more than 30 winning excellent teaching prize in CNU, one excellent young teacher in CNU, three honored as the“Female Pacesetter”in CNU.

The performance of the Party construction as well as the effort of ideological and political work in Marxism College are remarkable. The quality of the talents cultivated by the college has been improving in recent years. The tutorial system in the field of ideology, specialty, teachers skills, reading and career plan for undergraduate students obtains great satisfaction from students in the college. There are more than 80 personal and collective honors and rewards being given to the students in the college, including one national advanced class, thirteen municipal excellent classes, more than twenty municipal outstanding dormitories, the honor of “Top Ten May 4th Red Flag Youth League Branch”, the honor of “Five Star Society”being awarded by the study institute of socialist theories with Chinese characteristics system for three years, seven champions of debate contests in CNU and in Chongqing, the honor of outstanding team in“Culture, Entertainment and Technology to Countryside”during summer holiday in Chongqing for years. In the past three years, the rate of employment and the rate of signing contracts have reached beyond 98.5%. The college was awarded “Advanced Collective for Employment in CNU”from 2013 to 2015. Besides, the rate of registration, the pass rate, and the rate of admission for postgraduates in the college have continuously ranked in the top of Chongqing Normal University for many years.

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